How To Increase Density in Simcity 2013
Land value and happiness are separate concepts.
Land value aka desirability encourage wealthier sims to move in.
Happiness encourages density increases.
Residential happiness comes from shopping! Turn on the commercial dataview and make sure that shoppers can go from residential zones to commercial zones with available goods. (Goods resupply automatically at 6 am and 6 pm. Goods have nothing to do with freight).
Residentials without money or without nearby goods will instead go to parks to get happiness. This happiness is just as effective at growing density as shopping (ie. your buildings will grow). However, there are some downsides. Parks cost you money, while commercial buildings pay tax. Parks take up more space to get the equivalent capacity of commercial buildings. Parks also increase land value - so you may accidentally bring in wealthier Sims than you really want (wealthy buildings hold fewer people).

Happiness encourages density increases.
Residential happiness comes from shopping! Turn on the commercial dataview and make sure that shoppers can go from residential zones to commercial zones with available goods. (Goods resupply automatically at 6 am and 6 pm. Goods have nothing to do with freight).
Residentials without money or without nearby goods will instead go to parks to get happiness. This happiness is just as effective at growing density as shopping (ie. your buildings will grow). However, there are some downsides. Parks cost you money, while commercial buildings pay tax. Parks take up more space to get the equivalent capacity of commercial buildings. Parks also increase land value - so you may accidentally bring in wealthier Sims than you really want (wealthy buildings hold fewer people).